
GATHER 608x413

GATHER Together

June 8, 2022

It is tru­ly human to gath­er! Fol­low­ing many months of atom­ized live/​work envi­ron­ments, we are return­ing to our com­mu­ni­ties in the work­place and schools, as well as in per­for­mance spaces, restau­rants and hotels. More than ever before, a height­ened sen­si­bil­i­ty to acousti­cal com­fort is inte­gral to the design of inte­ri­ors that make peo­ple feel good. When noise is mit­i­gat­ed, stress lev­els decrease, and we tend to com­mu­ni­cate and col­lab­o­rate better.

Wolf-Gor­don intro­duces GATH­ER Acousti­cal Mate­ri­als in 4’ x 9’ felt pan­els of sat­u­rat­ed col­or and noise reduc­tion coef­fi­cients (NRC) that range from 0.25 to 0.75. The NRC varies depend­ing on whether you spec­i­fy dig­i­tal­ly print­ed pat­tern­ing, sin­gle- or dou­ble-lay­ered engrav­ing and cutouts, or deep dimen­sion­al folds in var­i­ous designs. Wolf-Gor­don GATH­ER can be direct­ly applied to walls, lay­ered for con­trast­ing col­or and pat­tern, or installed to divide space in a porous or con­tin­u­ous manner.