
Chromalis 608x413

CHROMALIS by Bradley L Bowers

June 8, 2022

Bradley L Bowers

Bradley L Bow­ers, the lat­est cre­ative to join Wolf-Gordon’s pre­mier ros­ter of Curat­ed Col­lec­tion design­ers, has devel­oped four new pat­terns being pre­viewed at Neo­Con 2022. CHRO­MA­LIS by Bradley L Bow­ers is an explo­ration of col­or and move­ment, impart­ing the influ­ence of opti­cal illu­sions and dimen­sion on three uphol­stery tex­tiles and one wall­cov­er­ing. CHRO­MA­LIS is pro­duced via dig­i­tal media and influ­enced by the New Orleans-based designer’s diverse pas­sions.

Bradley has a stun­ning sense of col­or. In com­bi­na­tion with his organ­ic, opti­cal and, some­times, mys­te­ri­ous pat­tern­ing, we feel we are offer­ing the con­tract mar­ket a tru­ly excit­ing new series of options in CHRO­MA­LIS.”Mary­beth Shaw, Chief Cre­ative Offi­cer, Mar­ket­ing & Design

While devel­op­ing CHRO­MA­LIS, I explored col­or as the equal­iz­er that cre­ates per­spec­tive with­in a space, allow­ing pat­tern to add dif­fer­en­ti­a­tion. I like to chal­lenge the need for uni­for­mi­ty with­in pat­tern­ing while still under­stand­ing the impor­tance of bal­anc­ing a design.”Bradley L Bow­ers, Artist and Design­er


Bore­alis, attests to the fact that every­thing in life is in the process of hap­pen­ing. This pattern’s soft gra­di­ent resem­bles spec­tral forms mor­ph­ing into view with a look of sub­tle movement.

Uphol­stery Textiles

Graf­fi­to, street art. It con­sid­ers the puri­ty and inten­si­ty of aerosol art jux­ta­posed to the fine dots of Impres­sion­ist pointillism.

Phan­tom, is inspired by moiré effects. Bow­ers pro­grammed algo­rithms to gen­er­ate inter­sect­ing linework that cre­ates the illu­sion of shape and depth from dif­fer­ent angles.

Fau­na, began with an aer­i­al snap­shot of a dig­i­tal land­scape that Bow­ers dis­tort­ed by chang­ing its per­spec­tive and manip­u­lat­ing its pla­nar geom­e­try.

CHRO­MA­LIS uphol­stery tex­tiles are real­ized on high-per­form­ing Supreen®, a rev­o­lu­tion­ary con­struc­tion that com­bines woven and coat­ed tech­nolo­gies to cre­ate a unique liq­uid bar­ri­er. The result is hard-work­ing uphol­stery for the com­mer­cial mar­ket with a lux­u­ri­ous look and sup­ple hand.

CLICK HERE to learn more about our fea­tured artist.