
Neocon news wall

Return to NeoCon!

September 30, 2021

We are excit­ed to be open­ing our show­room at the­MART for Neo­Con 2021. Wolf-Gor­don has con­tin­ued to devel­op new prod­ucts through­out the pan­dem­ic, many of which will be on dis­play in Suite 10 – 161, from Octo­ber 4 thru Octo­ber 6

A high­light will be a spe­cial uphol­stery col­lec­tion designed by V Starr, the design stu­dio head­ed by Venus Williams. Cel­e­brat­ing the pow­er of women through form, col­or, and tex­ture, The Muse Col­lec­tion is being pre­viewed and sam­pling will be avail­able in December. 

Also in pre­view is Sirona, an inher­ent­ly antimi­cro­bial com­mer­cial uphol­stery tex­tile that Wolf-Gor­don is bring­ing to the mar­ket. Devel­oped with Geo. Sheard and Coats Group, the inno­v­a­tive con­struc­tion has cop­per and sil­ver salts embed­ded into the yarn instead of a top­i­cal antimi­cro­bial made of tox­ic chem­i­cals, and it is 99.9% effec­tive against many pathogens.

Pan­els fea­tur­ing our lat­est con­tract wall­cov­er­ing pat­terns and ver­sa­tile CLAIR® col­lec­tion of PVC-free, bleach-clean­able, Type II wall­cov­er­ing designs are on view. We are also intro­duc­ing RAM­PART® Resolve™, which includes four new PVC-free ver­sions of our pop­u­lar RAM­PART wall protection.

To show­case our award-win­ning Curat­ed Col­lec­tion of images, WG Cus­toms Lab has dig­i­tal­ly print­ed works by sev­er­al of the accom­plished artists that are included.