
Showroom Entrance

NeoCon 2021 Showroom Tour

October 5, 2021

We’re delight­ed to present a tour of the Wolf-Gor­don Show­room at Neocon!

First up is The Muse Col­lec­tion of uphol­stery tex­tiles designed by V Starr, the South Flori­da inte­ri­or design stu­dio head­ed by Venus Williams. In the pat­terns and col­ors they select­ed, V Starr chose to cel­e­brate the strong women who inspire them.

Wolf-Gor­don is also first to the mar­ket with Sirona, a com­mer­cial uphol­stery tex­tile that is inher­ent­ly antimi­cro­bial. This fab­ric does­n’t have the typ­i­cal treat­ment of a top­i­cal antimi­cro­bial made of tox­ic chem­i­cals, but is an inno­v­a­tive con­struc­tion where cop­per and sil­ver salts embed­ded in the yarn pro­vide 99.9% effec­tive­ness against many pathogens.

CLAIR® is a recent­ly intro­duced col­lec­tion of PVC-free con­tract wall­cov­er­ings—an ide­al high-per­form­ing alter­na­tive to vinyl that is Type II and bleach clean­able. We cur­rent­ly have 14 pat­terns in 128 col­or­ways, with more to come.

We con­tin­ue to offer sus­tain­able prod­ucts includ­ing a new PVC-free ver­sion of our pop­u­lar RAM­PART wall pro­tec­tion. RAM­PART® Resolve pass­es all the strin­gent tests of rigid sheet goods, but does­n’t need trim, hard­ware, or extra labor. If your wall is rough con­crete or tile, you can apply any RAM­PART prod­uct over it uti­liz­ing Strong­hold Wall Lin­er, with­out fur­ring out the wall.

Wolf-Gor­don has worked hard to bring you new prod­ucts through­out the pan­dem­ic, and we invite you to con­tact your Account Exec­u­tive to learn more, or use the con­tact form here.