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Neocon 2022 Showroom Tour

June 11, 2022

Wel­come to the Wolf-Gor­don Show­room at Neo­Con 2022!

Fea­tured through­out our space is the CHRO­MA­LIS Col­lec­tion by Bradley L Bow­ers. Three dig­i­tal­ly print­ed uphol­stery tex­tiles and one wall­cov­er­ing demon­strate this New Orleans-based designer’s unfet­tered sense of col­or and pattern.

  • In Graf­fi­to, the inten­si­ty of aerosol art is jux­ta­posed to the del­i­cate pointil­lism of Impressionism.
  • In Fau­na, aer­i­al snap­shots of a dig­i­tal land­scape are the basis for stud­ies in distortion.
  • In Phan­tom, algo­rithms gen­er­ate inter­sect­ing linework, cre­at­ing moiré effects.
  • Bore­alis, a wall­cov­er­ing, attests to the fact that every­thing in life is in a state of flux — spec­tral forms morph into view with a hint of sub­tle movement.

Each of the CHRO­MA­LIS designs comes in four col­or­ways and the uphol­stery is pro­duced on high-per­form­ing Supreen®, which has a built-in mois­ture bar­ri­er and a super soft, lux­u­ri­ous hand.

Wolf-Gor­don is the leader in exquis­ite­ly designed, PVC-free wall­cov­er­ing and wall pro­tec­tion. Our CLAIR® type II wall­cov­er­ing is offered in 14 dif­fer­ent pat­terns and has a rich, mat­te finish.

RAM­PART® Resolve™ flex­i­ble wall pro­tec­tion is also PVC-free and pass­es all the strin­gent test require­ments of rigid sheet goods. Like RAM­PART®, RAM­PART Resolve elim­i­nates the need for trim, hard­ware, and extra labor costs. And, when you apply RAM­PART Resolve over Strong­hold® wall lin­er, you can trans­form a rough wall, like CMU blocks or tile, into a beau­ti­ful, sus­tain­able sur­face, with­out fur­ring out the wall.

Fol­low­ing months of work­ing from home, we are return­ing to all kinds of indoor com­mu­ni­ties and, more than ever before, acousti­cal com­fort is inte­gral to our well­be­ing. So, we’re intro­duc­ing GATH­ER™ Acousti­cal Mate­ri­als with design options in print­ed pat­tern­ing, engrav­ing, cutouts and deep dimen­sion­al con­struc­tions. GATH­ER can be applied direct­ly to walls, lay­ered, or installed to divide space.

We look for­ward to host­ing you in our show­room this week but if you can’t come to Chica­go, we invite you to con­tact your Account Exec­u­tive to learn more.