
Tone on Felted

Digitally Printed or Laser Cut Felted

WG Cus­toms Lab offers spe­cial tech­niques and dig­i­tal print­ing capa­bil­i­ties for our Felt­ed acousti­cal tex­tile. The dense con­struc­tion of this pre­mi­um felt mate­r­i­al allows for laser cut­ting shapes or engrav­ing linework in the design of your choice. Add a new dimen­sion to space dividers, graph­ic wall­cov­er­ing, or acoustic tiles with one or more of these inno­v­a­tive techniques.

When dig­i­tal­ly print­ing a pho­to, illus­tra­tion, or graph­ic, the Dig­i­tal White” col­or­way will yield the most accu­rate col­or repro­duc­tion. How­ev­er, you can change the over­all col­or tone of a design by print­ing on one of the lighter col­or­ways, such as Snow”, Sea Foam”, or Cloud”. The Thun­der­snow” col­or­way was used for print­ing our Tone, seen in the instal­la­tion pho­to above.

Shapes of vir­tu­al­ly any size (up to 51″) can also be cut out of Felt­ed using pre­cise laser tech­nol­o­gy. Mul­ti-dimen­sion­al designs can be cre­at­ed by lay­er­ing a sec­ond or third felt col­or behind cut-out areas. A pres­sure sen­si­tive adhe­sive (PSA) back­ing is required when laser cut­ting, and four of the Felt­ed col­or­ways are stocked with the back­ing, if you’re in a time crunch. FELT 600B/Thun­der­snow, FELT 602B/Uppi­ty Grey, FELT 605B/Black Coal, and FELT 612B/Cobalt are read­i­ly avail­able in a 54″ width.

If you plan on using laser cut­ting for a free-hang­ing pan­el, a non­halo­genat­ed flame-retar­dant fin­ish can be applied in order to meet the NFPA 701 require­ment for drap­ery fab­rics. For a more sub­tle effect, a lin­ear design from your vec­tor file can be engraved into the felt sur­face. You can also com­bine process­es, such as laser cut­ting and engrav­ing, as shown in sev­er­al of the exam­ples below.

Have a con­cept for a design, but need help bring­ing it to fruition? WG Cus­toms Lab can cre­ate a design or pat­tern for you. Below are some exist­ing designs to give you an idea of what’s possible.