
I Tech Placeholder2 1440x976

iTech AG

August 8, 2024

The ren­o­va­tion for this tech­nol­o­gy con­sult­ing firm incor­po­rat­ed a vari­ety of Wolf-Gor­don uphol­stery and wall­cov­er­ing prod­ucts through­out the office. Wood veneer wall­cov­er­ing wrapped the wall, ceil­ing, and recep­tion desk. An acoustic cur­tain and laser-cut wall graph­ic using our Felt­ed mate­r­i­al pro­vid­ed a qui­et space for phone calls, along with a ban­quette uphol­stered in our Deltana and Axel II coat­ed tex­tiles. Fea­ture walls in a con­fer­ence room and pantry were cov­ered with one of our geo­met­ric-pat­terned Type II wallcoverings.

Arling­ton, VA | Inter­Spec Design | Pho­tos: Peter Kozloski