
News neocon showroom tour

NeoCon 2023 Showroom Tour

June 8, 2023

This year, we’re shak­ing things up a bit with the QUI­ET RIOT col­lec­tion by renowned tex­tile design­er Dorothy Cosonas. Fea­tured are four uphol­stery tex­tiles and three wall­cov­er­ings, all of which are PVC-free and high-performing. 

  • Mis­chief, the head­lin­ing woven uphol­stery tex­tile, has a large-scale flo­ral cam­ou­flage motif that com­ple­ments the oth­er patterns.
  • Stripe Zone is a unique poly­ester uphol­stery fused with a graf­fi­ti-proof TPE top­coat, which is dig­i­tal­ly print­ed with an inter­con­nect­ed stripe design.
  • Lin­eage, a tex­tu­ral­ly rich study of raf­fia and knit­ted tex­tiles trans­lat­ed to uphol­stery, incor­po­rates 12 dif­fer­ent weft yarns in each of its colorways.
  • Square Not is a geo­met­ric pat­tern that con­tributes the look of an allover tex­ture and fea­tures a spe­cial mul­ti­col­or twist yarn – the first of its kind to con­vey the impres­sion of yarns float­ing on the surface. 

The Qui­et Riot wall­cov­er­ings include:

  • Purr,CLAIR® bleach-clean­able, PVC-free Type II wall­cov­er­ing inspired by leop­ard prints pop­u­lar in fash­ion and interiors;
  • Mir­ror Image, a sim­ple, ele­gant tex­tile wall­cov­er­ing that com­bines a mat­te poly­ester yarn with a high-sheen tape yarn for a hint of glam;
  • Smooth Oper­a­tor, designed with the look, appeal, and tac­til­i­ty of a tex­tile wall­cov­er­ing that can be used for wrapped pan­els, with the added bonus of pass­ing Type II standards.

Wolf-Gor­don is also show­cas­ing our GATH­ER® Acousti­cal prod­ucts at Neo­Con. Because acousti­cal com­fort is inte­gral to our well-being in the spaces where we work, learn, heal, and enjoy life, we offer GATH­ER pan­els that pro­vide NRC rat­ings from 0.25 – 0.90, which can be applied direct­ly to walls or installed with hard­ware to divide spaces.

The light­weight, semi-rigid 1/4″-thick pan­els mea­sure 4 feet by 10 feet and are made of 60% post-con­sumer and 40% pre-con­sumer recy­cled poly­ester. GATH­ER Acousti­cal is avail­able in 12 felt­ed col­ors and a vari­ety of tech­niques:

Of course, also on dis­play are a col­or­ful array of our uphol­stery tex­tiles that inte­grate beau­ti­ful­ly with the new Qui­et Riot offer­ing. And, peruse sev­er­al imag­i­na­tive wall­cov­er­ing designs that were cre­at­ed by var­i­ous artists for our PROJECT: HI > AI, an exhi­bi­tion that explored what dis­tin­guish­es human-gen­er­at­ed work vs arti­fi­cial intelligence.