
Sirona 7344 Hor RET crp

Sirona Inherently Antimicrobial Upholstery

January 19, 2022

It’s here and it’s worth the hype! Intro­duc­ing the award-win­ning Sirona, our new inher­ent­ly antimi­cro­bial uphol­stery. Tex­tile design­er Kathrin Hagge curat­ed a sooth­ing palette for this high­ly tex­tur­al woven, fea­tur­ing col­or­ways that are per­fect for mul­ti­ple mar­kets. Unlike most antimi­cro­bial fab­rics that con­tain harm­ful top­i­cal chem­i­cal treat­ments, Sirona is woven with Pro­tect+ tech­nol­o­gy* — a process in which nat­ur­al cop­per and sil­ver salts are embed­ded into the yarn. Pro­tect+ does not wear off, wash away, or weak­en over time. By com­bin­ing Pro­tect+ with REPREVE® post-con­sumer recy­cled poly­ester, a super high-per­form­ing tex­tile was created. 

Wolf-Gor­don is the first uphol­stery sup­pli­er to intro­duce this prod­uct, devel­oped in col­lab­o­ra­tion with Geo. Sheard Fab­rics and Coats Group. Pre­viewed at Neo­Con 2021, Sirona was hon­ored with a Sil­ver Best of Neo­Con” award for Per­for­mance & Spe­cial­ty Tex­tiles.

*Pro­tect+ has a 99.9% effi­ca­cy rate against many well-known pathogens, accord­ing to a study con­duct­ed by the Uni­ver­si­ty of Iowa Micro­bi­ol­o­gy Lab.


Here are 5 key facts you need to know about Sirona:

  1. It meets or exceeds all ACT per­for­mance stan­dards, and attained 100,000 dou­ble rubs on the Wyzen­beek test.
  2. It will stand up to bleach‑, peroxide‑, and dis­in­fec­tant-based clean­ers, while main­tain­ing a soft hand and appearance.
  3. Sup­ple, light­weight, and easy to uphol­ster, it will stretch around the com­plex curves of ergonom­ic furniture.
  4. It is woven with 100% REPREVE post-con­sumer recy­cled polyester.
  5. It is free of all Kaiser Per­ma­nente and LBC Red List chem­i­cals of con­cern, and meets Health­i­er Hospital/​Practice Green­health requirements.

Note: Sirona does not include a stain repel­lent fin­ish because it was found to inter­fere with the antimi­cro­bial properties.