
Venn 2390 RET crp

RAMPART for Healthy Interiors

When devel­op­ing the lat­est addi­tions to our RAM­PART® Wall Pro­tec­tion line, WG Design Stu­dio sought to cre­ate two pat­terns that were sim­ple, clean, and uplift­ing. Since RAM­PART has been test­ed to hold up to a range of hos­pi­tal-grade clean­ers and dis­in­fec­tants, in addi­tion to pro­tect­ing against impact and sur­face abra­sion, appeal­ing to health­care and health-mind­ed envi­ron­ments was also a priority.

Venn evolution

Dur­ing the cre­ative devel­op­ment process, it was deter­mined that one of the pat­terns be influ­enced by the heal­ing pow­er of nature, with­out being a lit­er­al inter­pre­ta­tion; be sooth­ing with­out being bor­ing; and be scaled so as to have a tex­tur­al effect with a pleas­ing rhythm. When explor­ing pos­si­bil­i­ties, an abstract design of small ran­dom­ized shapes (shown above) became a source of inspi­ra­tion. Upon clos­er inspec­tion, it was appar­ent that the shapes were the neg­a­tive spaces result­ing from lay­ers of cir­cles. By cre­at­ing a more struc­tured ver­sion of over­lap­ping cir­cles with an off­set grid at a larg­er scale (above), var­i­ous motifs could be dis­cerned — most notably a field of daisy-like flow­ers. Voila!” a pat­tern was born. The name, Venn, fol­lowed, owing to the con­cept of a Venn dia­gram, which uses over­lap­ping cir­cles to com­pare relat­ed items.

Venn diagram

Intend­ing for the sec­ond new RAM­PART pat­tern to act as a tex­tured coor­di­nate with uni­ver­sal appeal, Venn Tex­ture was devel­oped. Where Venn might be used for fea­ture walls or accent areas, the soft lin­ear print and ver­ti­cal­ly-ori­ent­ed silk emboss­ing of Venn Tex­ture lends itself to broad­er use through­out an inte­ri­or. The palette includes an array of fresh, cheery, and con­tem­po­rary colors.

The under­stat­ed ele­gance of both new pat­terns belies the strength, dura­bil­i­ty, and stain resis­tance, char­ac­ter­is­tic of every RAM­PART wall pro­tec­tion prod­uct. Both Venn and Venn Tex­ture offer a flex­i­ble alter­na­tive to rigid sheet goods, engi­neered to pro­tect high-traf­fic inte­ri­ors from abuse. And, the easy-to-clean sur­face has been third-par­ty test­ed to hold up to dilut­ed bleach, qua­ter­nary com­pounds, and oth­er EPA-list disinfectants.