
Press rampart resolve

Wolf-Gordon Introduces RAMPART® Resolve™

August 11, 2021

| New York, NY — August 11, 2021 | With the intro­duc­tion of two new pat­terns, Wolf-Gor­don extends its RAM­PART® line of flex­i­ble, impact-resis­tant wall pro­tec­tion to now include PVC-free options con­struct­ed of an olefin com­pos­ite mate­r­i­al. The new RAM­PART® Resolve™ line has been engi­neered to meet the demands of high-traf­fic areas, and is the result of a year-long devel­op­ment process that ensures these PVC-free alter­na­tives main­tain the same supe­ri­or per­for­mance lev­els as the orig­i­nal RAM­PART, which are on par with stan­dard rigid sheet goods.

At Wolf-Gor­don, we’ve made it a pri­or­i­ty to offer PVC-free options in CLAIR® type II wall­cov­er­ing and, now, RAM­PART Resolve flex­i­ble wall pro­tec­tion. When RAM­PART Resolve or CLAIR are cou­pled with Strong­hold wall lin­er, the cost­ly and, often, labor inten­sive prob­lem of rough wall sur­faces is solved sus­tain­ably.
- Mary­beth Shaw, Chief Cre­ative Offi­cer, Mar­ket­ing & Design

RAM­PART Resolve has Health Prod­uct Dec­la­ra­tions and is list­ed in the Mind­ful Mate­ri­als data­base, thanks in part to its 30% pre-con­sumer recy­cled con­tent con­struc­tion. Its sur­face is bleach clean­able and stands up to rig­or­ous clean­ing prac­tices uti­liz­ing qua­ter­nary com­pounds and a vari­ety of List N dis­in­fec­tants that meet the EPA’s cri­te­ria for use against SARS-CoV­‑2 (COVID-19).

In addi­tion to excep­tion­al dura­bil­i­ty and clean­abil­i­ty, RAM­PART Resolve offers straight­for­ward instal­la­tion, and is eas­i­ly applied by a paint­ing con­trac­tor. Addi­tion­al trim and hard­ware are not required, and it can be rail­road­ed below a chair rail for a con­tin­u­ous 27 lin­ear yards. 

When rough wall sur­faces are a prob­lem, RAM­PART Resolve can be applied in con­junc­tion with RAM­PART Strong­hold™ wall lin­er, a nat­ur­al jute and gyp­sum sub­strate that cov­ers irreg­u­lar wall sur­faces. No cost­ly fur­ring out of the wall is required, which can save days from the con­struc­tion schedule.

RAM­PART Resolve Pat­terns:
Inyo and Lux­or — the first two RAM­PART Resolve pat­terns — fea­ture nature-inspired tex­tures in a range of col­or­ways that speak to mod­ern inte­ri­or trends.

Lux­or: Dura­bil­i­ty is dis­guised in Luxor’s raw linen pat­tern, which com­bines light and dark con­trasts for a unique dimen­sion­al­i­ty and soft­ened visu­al effect. Warm and engag­ing tones like linen and oat­meal; earthy jute, hemp, and lau­rel; and flesh and sand shades are round­ed out by rich­er hues like Mid­night” and Aubergine”.

Inyo: This rhyth­mic wood­grain imbues high-traf­fic areas and com­mer­cial inte­ri­ors with the warmth and per­son­al­i­ty of a res­i­den­tial space. Inyo is avail­able in a range of neu­trals that evoke pop­u­lar light wood stains, as well deep­er, nuanced tones like Ebony” and Wal­nut”. Inyo is print­ed with sev­er­al lay­ers of col­or and has a mat­te finish.

Com­pared to lead­ing rigid sheet goods, RAM­PART Resolve con­tin­ues to pro­vide the same high per­for­mance for Sur­face Abra­sion, Hard Body Impact, and Sur­face Inden­ta­tion, and com­pa­ra­ble per­for­mance in Soft Body Impact test­ing. It exceeds the max­i­mum capac­i­ty of a Scrape Adhe­sion test machine with­out incur­ring sig­nif­i­cant scratch­es or sur­face removal.

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