
News bradley archiproducts

The Unfettered Sense of Color and Pattern: Wolf-Gordon at Neocon 2022

Ange­lo Dell Olio, Archiprod​ucts​.com

Wolf-Gor­don is star­ring at Neo­con 2022, and for this occa­sion they pre­sent­ed a new acoustic pan­el, GATH­ER™ Acousti­cal Mate­ri­als, along with the Curat­ed Col­lec­tion intro­duc­tion, Chro­ma­lis by Bradley L Bow­ers, com­ple­ment­ed by a spe­cial pre­sen­ta­tion of sus­tain­able prod­ucts.

The Amer­i­can brand Wolf-Gor­don, spe­cial­ized in inte­ri­or sur­fac­ing prod­ucts, presents to the Neo­Con audi­ence Chro­ma­lis, is the new col­lab­o­ra­tion with New Orleans based artist and design­er, Bradley L Bow­ers as part of its Curat­ed Col­lec­tion of dig­i­tal tex­tiles and wall­cov­er­ing designs by notable cre­atives. Chro­ma­lis is an explo­ration of col­or and move­ment, impart­ing the influ­ence of opti­cal illu­sions and dimen­sion on three uphol­stery tex­tiles and one wallcovering.

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