
Fall Campaign 1440x900

Lookbook: Fall 2021 Turning Over a New Leaf

Wallcovering Wall Protection Upholstery


RAMPART Resolve PVC-free Wall Protection
13 Colorways


RAMPART Resolve PVC-free Wall Protection
13 Colorways

Tower Bridge

London Chic Type II Wallcovering
7 Colorways


London Chic Type II Wallcovering
12 Colorways


Hybrid Upholstery
13 Colorways

Bringing Nature Indoors

Patterns for Fall

There’s a chill in the air that gets us think­ing about fresh designs and warm col­or palettes! Our new fall col­lec­tion adds char­ac­ter and tex­ture to com­mer­cial interiors:

Alba – in RAM­PART Resolve PVC-free flex­i­ble wall pro­tec­tion, this weath­ered wood look is char­ac­ter­ized by nat­ur­al marks and imper­fec­tions. Alba is per­fect to help hide the wear and tear of high-traf­fic spaces.

Forza — mean­ing strength” in Ital­ian, Forza, also in RAM­PART Resolve, is an arti­sanal plas­ter look fea­tur­ing bold strokes and mul­ti­ple lay­ers of color.

Tow­er Bridge — inspired by the icon­ic bas­cule bridge in Lon­don, this Type II wall­cov­er­ing is a large-scale design based on a dou­ble helix. Over­lap­ping spi­rals formed by hor­i­zon­tal lines are print­ed in soft metal­lic tones.

Tow­er - a coor­di­nate to Tow­er Bridge in the Lon­don Chic Col­lec­tion, Tower’s embossed tex­ture includes light neu­tral and pas­tel colorways.

Wat­son — using Tek­loom® tech­nol­o­gy gives this woven uphol­stery the per­for­mance and stain-resis­tance of a coat­ed tex­tile. Wat­sons high­ly abra­sion-resis­tant sur­face is ink- and graf­fi­ti-proof, easy to clean, and will hold up to a wide range of clean­ers and dis­in­fec­tants. We’ve expand­ed Watson’s col­or palette with 7 addi­tion­al colorways.

Biel­la — a nub­by fab­ric will add tex­ture and com­fort to any seat­ing appli­ca­tion. Biel­la is a dimen­sion­al bouclé with a lux­u­ri­ous look and feel. Woven with durable poly­ester fil­a­ment yarns, this pat­tern is pro­tect­ed with a spill- and stain-resis­tant treatment.

Leri­da — resis­tant to humid­i­ty, heat, and light, Leri­da has the look and feel of full grain leather. This poly­car­bon­ate uphol­stery is free of PVC and phtha­lates, and resists graf­fi­ti, ink, and den­im dye transfer.

Lark — cov­er­ing every part of the spec­trum, Lark has one of our largest col­or palettes fea­tur­ing 25 jew­el tones and min­er­al shades. This high­ly durable coat­ed uphol­stery has the added ben­e­fit of a soft and sup­ple hand.