

Lookbook: What is Flexible Wall Protection?

Wall Protection


Engineered to Withstand Heavy Abuse


Resilient Rolled Goods That Don’t Require Trim


Stain-Resistant Surcoat® Finish Stands up to Quaternary and Commercial Cleaning Agents


Low Emitting and Available in RAMPART Resolve PVC-Free Construction

Wolf-Gordon Set the Standard

In 2015, we intro­duced RAM­PART® as the first flex­i­bleand durablealter­na­tive to rigid sheet goods. Near­ly ten years and 15,000 thou­sand instal­la­tions lat­er, RAM­PART and PVC-free RAM­PART Resolve® still set the stan­dard for flex­i­ble wall protection.

Beware of lighter-weight Type II wall­cov­er­ing mar­ket­ed as flex­i­ble wall pro­tec­tion. Unlike those prod­ucts that only meet mod­er­ate abuse con­di­tions, RAM­PART is engi­neered to pro­tect heavy abuse, high-traf­fic interiors.




Thanks to its hefty 35 oz/LY construction, RAMPART has been proven to stand up to the same high-traffic conditions as rigid sheet goods. RAMPART achieved the same levels of performance on ASTM Surface Abrasion, Impact Resistance, and Hard Body Impact tests. Installation is faster and less costly than for rigid sheet goods with elaborate trim requirements.



RAMPART’s flexibility revolutionized the wall protection category. It’s easier to ship, handle, and install and can wrap corners without the need for corner guards. All RAMPART patterns can be railroaded to a length of 81 feet—without trim—for a wainscot solution that eliminates seams where bacteria can grow RAMPART also offers design flexibility, with a wide range of beautiful patterns, colors, and textures, as well as 10 PVC-free designs—and it can be digitally printed!



All RAMPART products are protected by proprietary, stain- and abrasion-resistant Surcoat™, which provides an easy-to-clean surface impervious to bacteria and fungus. RAMPART has been third-party verified for the use of a variety of commercial cleaning and disinfecting agents, including diluted bleach and quaternary compounds. 



When used with RAMPART Stronghold® Wall Liner, low-emitting RAMPART can repurpose existing walls, preventing their demolition and removal to landfills. RAMPART Resolve is our PVC-free alternative that has all the beauty and performance characteristics of RAMPART.