
Mae In Tokyo

Lookbook: Mae Englegeer: Through the Lens copy


Dutch Textile Designer Mae Englegeer

An Atmosphere of Design

(Sam­ple text until we nar­row down a direction)

From Metrop­o­lis:

Engelgeer’s design process began with con­jur­ing up what she describes as an atmosphere…a sort of feel­ing” root­ed in inspi­ra­tion gleaned from her trav­els, muse­ums, and fash­ion, and the store­fronts near her Ams­ter­dam stu­dio. She sketched shapes and used pho­tos, mate­r­i­al sam­ples, and col­or swatch­es to help visu­al­ize con­cepts and give them tex­ture. I don’t do any hand weav­ing,” she says of this ear­ly stage, point­ing out the lack of weav­ing equip­ment in her stu­dio. I try to keep free and open-mind­ed in what could work, and I real­ly like to play.”

What is impor­tant at first is to be super free in using the weird­est yarns, then to lat­er start to make it more suit­able for upholstery.”

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About Mae

(Sample text until we narrow down a direction)

After graduating from the Amsterdam Fashion Instituut and Sandberg Instituut, where she specialized in textile design and applied arts, Dutch designer Mae Engelgeer opened her own studio in 2014. Her work on product design, installations, and international collaborations combines her expertise in craft and new technology. The collections she developed for Wolf-Gordon are characterized by color, shapes, and linear elements composed with a keen sense of balance.