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Lookbook: Matter Mae Engelgeer

Wallcovering Upholstery


Wool/Wool Blend
6 Colorways


Wool/Wool Blend
8 Colorways


Wool/Wool Blend
6 Colorways

Design Story


Draw­ing from her cross-mar­ket exper­tise, Engel­geer focused on devel­op­ing a group of sophis­ti­cat­ed yet play­ful fab­rics, with tac­til­i­ty and a res­i­den­tial influ­ence. The result is three tex­tile pat­terns that mix nat­ur­al wool and cot­ton with poly­ester and metal­lic yarns, bring­ing a warm, lux­u­ri­ant feel to seat­ing intend­ed for work­place and hos­pi­tal­i­ty interiors.

Engelgeer’s design process begins with con­ceiv­ing of a spe­cif­ic feel­ing and atmos­phere,” inspired by her trav­els, muse­um vis­its, and cur­rent fash­ion. She then sketch­es dif­fer­ent shapes and uses pho­tos, col­or swatch­es, and mate­r­i­al sam­ples to help visu­al­ize her con­cepts and give them tex­ture and dimension. 

Her sketch­es are trans­formed into dig­i­tal files and then into phys­i­cal pro­to­types on jacquard weav­ing machines at the Tex­tiel-Lab, a fab­ri­ca­tion work­shop locat­ed in The Nether­lands. There she can see sam­ples woven in real time and exper­i­ment with a diverse selec­tion of yarns and fibers, includ­ing wool, mohair, silk, cot­ton, and metal­lic filaments.

Designer photo

Mae Engelgeer

After graduating from the Amsterdam Fashion Instituut and Sandberg Instituut, where she specialized in textile design and applied arts, Dutch designer Mae Engelgeer opened her own studio in 2014. Her work on product design, installations, and international collaborations combines her expertise in craft and new technology. The collections she developed for Wolf-Gordon are characterized by color, shapes, and linear elements composed with a keen sense of balance.

Press & Awards

Awards 1
Awards 2