
Gossamer News 1

Gossamer and City Lace

October 10, 2023

City Lace

Wolf-Gor­don Intro­duces Gos­samer and City Lace by Acclaimed Tex­tile Artist Ray­lene Marasco

Ray­lene Marasco’s new dig­i­tal­ly-print­ed wall­cov­er­ing pat­terns for Wolf-Gordon’s Curat­ed Col­lec­tion, draw inspi­ra­tion from the artist’s per­son­al jour­ney. Maras­co trans­plant­ed to New York City from rur­al Penn­syl­va­nia in 1987

My his­to­ry and aes­thet­ic is of both envi­ron­ments. By uti­liz­ing pho­to­graph­ic images from soft nat­ur­al sur­round­ings and hard­er-edged vibrant cityscapes, the images blend and melt togeth­er, cre­at­ing a col­or field of ethe­re­al shad­ow and punc­tu­at­ed light. The view­er should first see col­or and abstract forms; then, upon fur­ther explo­ration dis­cov­er the imagery.”

- Ray­lene Marasco

Gossamer and City Lace

Fields of wild­flow­ers are both occlud­ed and illu­mi­nat­ed at turns by city lights and asphalt. Each envi­ron­ment becomes a lit­tle stranger and more ephemer­al through con­tact with the oth­er; despite their many con­trasts the cohe­sive­ness of the pat­terns makes one domain inex­tri­ca­ble from the oth­er. A new place is cre­at­ed in the pat­terns: one which exists not on a map but with­in the life of the artist who designed them. These pat­terns, which lead the new Urban Nature col­lec­tion, express the dream­like, dynam­ic encoun­ters that arise at the inter­sec­tions of our lives.

Raylene Marasco

About the Designer

Ray­lene Maras­co start­ed her career work­ing for a sculp­tor and even­tu­al­ly found her way to sur­face design. In 1991 she opened Dye­namix Inc, a cus­tom tex­tile stu­dio cre­at­ing some of the most exper­i­men­tal and high-pro­file projects in the fash­ion, fine art, inte­ri­ors, and enter­tain­ment indus­tries. Click here to learn more about the designer.