
Howl8 news

Howl: Issue 08

Check, Please: Unfolding Four Centuries of Gingham
A Common for All of Boston: The City on a Hill Revamps Its Backyard
Uncorking the Possibilities: Charting a New Course for Cork

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Also includ­ed in this issue:

Space/​Pattern/​Texture: Pro­fil­ing design­er-artists doing provoca­tive work.

Col­lec­tion Spotlight:

  • Float — Ali­ki van der Krui­js designed Float as an out­growth of paper explo­rations in which she cut out lin­ear sec­tions of card­board box­es and realigned them off the grid”. From this slight out-of-align­ment ges­ture comes a new pat­tern. Float is a polyester/​nylon con­struc­tion in sev­en colorways.
  • Spar­ta — RAM­PART® flex­i­ble wall pro­tec­tion per­forms as well as rigid sheet goods and offers supe­ri­or stain resis­tance. Spar­ta is an exquis­ite and ver­sa­tile inter­pre­ta­tion of linen. Thanks to its broad palette, the pat­tern can be used in dif­fer­ent col­or­ways to dis­tin­guish areas or floors for wayfind­ing. Spar­ta can be applied to irreg­u­lar sur­faces, such as CMU blocks, when first apply­ing RAM­PART Strong­hold wall liner.
  • Cork — Wolf-Gor­don is the pre­mier source for cork wall­cov­er­ing and uphol­stery. Renew­able, nat­u­ral­ly fire resis­tant and antimi­cro­bial, Cork Wall­cov­er­ing is a sus­tain­able prod­uct of the renew­able cork bark tree. Once the bark of a live cork oak tree is stripped, it will regen­er­ate every 10 years. Our cork wall­cov­er­ings are Class A rat­ed as per ASTM E‑84.

Take a Look:

Next Issue: Win­ter 2023. See you then!

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