
Howl 02 space pattern texture

HOWL 02: Space - Pattern - Texture

Bunny Fur

Bun­ny Fur

Based in Catskill, NY, artist Richard Saja focus­es on cre­at­ing inter­fer­ences” of the for­mal pat­terns of French toiles through embroi­dery. Saja makes con­cep­tu­al­ly com­pelling art­works draw­ing upon diverse inspi­ra­tion, from mon­sters and clowns to orna­men­tal design and bio-hazards.

Harar wall hang­ings

Brook­lyn-based design­er Hana Getachew found­ed Bolé Road Tex­tiles (named after a street in her home­town of Addis Aba­ba) to com­bine her love of hand­wo­ven Ethiopi­an fab­rics with her career in inte­ri­or design. The brand’s online shop con­tains a daz­zling array of vibrant col­ors and graph­ic pat­terns that are designed in New York and eth­i­cal­ly hand­wo­ven in Ethiopia, like these Harar wall hang­ings that also dou­ble as bed scarves.

Tuft­ed No. 7 tapes­try

Car­o­line Kauf­man is a tex­tile artist who trans­lates her paint­ings, draw­ings and note­book ideas into sto­ry-based, exu­ber­ant, tuft­ed tapes­tries. Kaufman’s work tends toward free-form shapes with vibrant geome­tries like checker­board pat­terns, and draws upon influ­ences from mod­ernist greats like Stu­art Davies and David Hock­ney.

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