
Howl01 collection spotlight

HOWL 01: Space - Pattern - Texture

April 15, 2021

Sigrid Calon

Sigrid Calon

This lim­it­ed-edi­tion book arose out of the visu­al artist Sigrid Calon’s (@sigridcalon) curios­i­ty to dis­cov­er new forms and col­or com­bi­na­tions. It is an homage to the end­less poten­tial of the Square, the Cir­cle and the Grid, and con­tains sub­tle ref­er­ences to sources of inspi­ra­tion from the past and present.

Knot­ting Knit­ting”
Ana María Gómez

In her work, Gomez, of the amgs stu­dio (@anamgomezsuarez) con­structs knit­ted filled bands, and forms a rhyth­mic com­bi­na­tion of col­ors and uneven lines. The con­struc­tion can be reshaped to sit, sleep, read, cov­er up, or lie down, and adapts active­ly to one’s body. Pro­duced in a small ate­lier in Antwerp, Bel­gium, the cre­ation is a com­bi­na­tion of hand­craft and small indus­tri­al techniques.

Une Place à Table
Garance Val­lée

This is a paint­ing by the Paris-based artist, design­er and archi­tect, Garance Val­lée (@royalgarance), who recent­ly had her debut US solo exhi­bi­tion, Por­trait de Famille,” at the Car­val­ho Park Gallery in Brook­lyn. The exhi­bi­tion fea­tured a suite of paint­ings, draw­ings and sculp­tures in Vallée’s dis­tinct and indeli­ble lan­guage. Inspired by Sur­re­al­ism, and with over­tones of Bran­cusi and Leg­er, her paint­ed inte­ri­or spaces are sus­pend­ed between rep­re­sen­ta­tion and abstrac­tion, vol­ume and sil­hou­ette, tan­gi­bil­i­ty and fic­tion, inquiry and play. 

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