
Wellness thumbnail

It’s Time for Neocon 2024!

June 4, 2024

This year, Wolf-Gor­don is show­cas­ing a range of prod­ucts per­fect for health­care and well­ness inte­ri­ors. Fea­tured solu­tion-dri­ven prod­ucts, includ­ing PVC-free wall pro­tec­tion and sooth­ing bio­philic wall­cov­er­ing and uphol­stery designs, cre­ate heal­ing spaces that enable facil­i­ty staff to focus on what tru­ly mat­ters: patients.

  • Inish­more, RAM­PART Resolve® PVC-free flex­i­ble wall pro­tec­tion pat­tern, has the light, airy appear­ance of a rus­tic woven fabric.
  • Cur­rents, anoth­er RAM­PART Resolve design, fea­tures dense but del­i­cate streams of col­or, resem­bling water, in neu­trals, greens, and blues.
  • Lin­den, a high-per­for­mance coat­ed uphol­stery tex­tile, presents a play­ful leaf motif in a range of health­care-focused colorways.
  • Lin­ea coat­ed uphol­stery offers coor­di­nates to Lin­den with a kinet­ic cross­hatched pattern.
  • Peren­ni­al , a design that can be dig­i­tal­ly print­ed on any wall­cov­er­ing, wall pro­tec­tion or uphol­stery sub­strate — includ­ing PVC-free options — is a dense com­po­si­tion of over­lap­ping leafy plant life.
  • Glade is a sec­ond dig­i­tal­ly print­ed design that cov­ers walls with tall grassy sil­hou­ettes in the tra­di­tion of bold super­graph­ics. A beau­ti­ful ombré serves as an atmos­pher­ic backdrop.
  • Heath is a nub­by, high-per­form­ing woven uphol­stery fab­ric fin­ished with a PFAS-free stain-resis­tant treat­ment and mois­ture barrier.

Our well­ness prod­ucts are being pre­viewed at Neo­Con 2024. If you’re inter­est­ed in receiv­ing sam­ples, get in touch with your Account Exec­u­tive or click here to access a request form.

In addi­tion, our Neo­Con show­room will fea­ture Cross­ings by Dorothy Cosonas. The four woven uphol­stery tex­tiles in Cross­ings were inspired by embroi­dery pieces by the designer’s moth­er and are both deeply per­son­al and on the cut­ting edge of tex­tile design. 

  • Dreamweaver is a col­or­ful plaid that cre­ates a delight­ful blur of col­or owing to a weft and warp that include the same sev­en mul­ti­col­ored yarns in an iden­ti­cal sequence.
  • Fable is a live­ly pat­tern of mini cross-stitch­es that fade in and out from neu­tral back­grounds of this bleach-clean­able fabric.
  • Odyssey is a large-scale dis­tressed grid of stitch­ing print­ed on a lux­u­ri­ous vel­vet textile.
  • Sam­pler is a luxe pat­tern that ran­dom­ly lay­ers mat­te and high-lus­ter stitch­es atop each oth­er to cre­ate a unique uphol­stery with depth and sparkle..

Also on dis­play in Show­room 10 – 161 will be a wide range of RAM­PART® flex­i­ble wall pro­tec­tion, a new GATH­ER® Acousti­cal design, our best-in-class Scuff­mas­ter® paint and pre­fin­ished wood veneer wall­cov­er­ing.