
Regions Birth Center L 002 ret

Regions Birth Center

May 2, 2024

When design­ing Regions Birth Cen­ter in St. Paul, MN, BWBR Design Stu­dio want­ed to infuse the health­care space with the warmth of a hos­pi­tal­i­ty envi­ron­ment to cre­ate the most com­fort­able set­ting for young fam­i­lies. RAM­PART flex­i­ble wall pro­tec­tion in the linen-like pat­tern Spar­ta,” avail­able in Chalk” and Pep­per” col­or­ways, pro­vid­ed a cozy atmos­phere inside and out­side patient rooms while ensur­ing max­i­mum pro­tec­tion and ease of clean­ing in high-traf­fic areas. 

For com­mon areas through­out the facil­i­ty, the team select­ed Aus­tralian Wal­nut, Qtd Won­der­Wood wood veneer wall cov­er­ing. This choice allowed them to achieve the aes­thet­ic appeal and ben­e­fits of nat­ur­al wood at a more cost-effec­tive rate com­pared to tra­di­tion­al wood panels.

St. Paul, MN | Design: BWBR | Pho­tos: Bran­don Stengel