
Muse Event MB VW CA SH 7309

V Starr is Rising!

March 7, 2022 — On Wednes­day, March 2nd, Wolf-Gor­don and Inte­ri­or Design host­ed a spe­cial event to cel­e­brate the award-win­ning Muse col­lec­tion of uphol­stery tex­tiles designed by Venus Williams’ South Flori­da design firm, V Starr. The 21st floor cock­tail recep­tion, set in the Chelsea art dis­trict against exquis­ite views of Man­hat­tan and the Hud­son Riv­er, incor­po­rat­ed essen­tial fea­tures of Muse: joy, move­ment, and sup­port­ive com­mu­ni­ty as expressed in live dance vignettes through­out the evening. The gath­er­ing of New York’s A‑list design­ers was sig­nif­i­cant for our col­lec­tive emer­gence from the pandemic.

On hand to con­duct inter­views with Williams were Lila Allen from @archdigest AD PRO, Ethan Tuck­er from @metropolismag, and, of course, Edi­tor-in-Chief Cindy Allen from @interiordesignmag. Wolf-Gor­don Pres­i­dent Rick Wolf and CCO Mary­beth Shaw greet­ed @vstarrdesign Prin­ci­pal Sonya Haf­fey, who col­lab­o­rat­ed close­ly with the Wolf-Gor­don design team in ensur­ing that The Muse Col­lec­tion by V Starr reflect­ed Williams’ inter­est in devel­op­ing pat­terns that express fem­i­nine strength, grace, and resilience.

Muse Event 2022

Held at NYC’s Glasshouse Chelsea, guests were wowed with spec­tac­u­lar views (and a gor­geous sun­set) of Down­town and Mid­town Man­hat­tan while enjoy­ing archi­tec­tural­ly inspired hors d’oeuvres and black­ber­ry elder­flower spritzers craft­ed for the occa­sion. Floor-to-ceil­ing pan­els sport­ing Ele­na and Fri­da—two of the Muse tex­tiles — act­ed as a back­drop for pho­tographs. Pil­lows made from the fab­rics and the third Muse pat­tern, Ora, dec­o­rat­ed the event space. 

Three con­tem­po­rary dance pieces, chore­o­graphed by Maria A. Kon­rad fea­tured @cooper.everson, @darynvictoria, @maiamontgomery, and @maiseeanderson with props uphol­stered in Muse fab­rics. Even the dancers’ cos­tumes clev­er­ly incor­po­rat­ed the unique tex­tiles that rep­re­sent V Starr’s first ven­ture into prod­uct design.

Muse by V Starr Launch Par­ty with Inte­ri­or Design Mag­a­zine from Wolf-Gor­don on Vimeo.