
News wildflowerwalls

Wildflower Walls: Gossamer and City Lace from Wolf-Gordon

November 20, 2023

Col­lec­tion: Urban Nature
Hotel Man­age­ment
Nov 20, 2023
By Jena Tesse Fox

Wall­cov­er­ing com­pa­ny Wolf-Gor­don has paired up with tex­tile artist Ray­lene Maras­co to intro­duce two new wall­cov­er­ing designs to their dig­i­tal Curat­ed Col­lec­tion: Gos­samer and City Lace. Based on Maras­co’s child­hood in rur­al Penn­syl­va­nia and adult life in New York City, the two pat­terns blend soft nat­ur­al sur­round­ings with vibrant cityscapes.

The pat­terns incor­po­rate fields of wild­flow­ers that are both occlud­ed and illu­mi­nat­ed at turns by city lights and asphalt. As addi­tions to the Curat­ed Col­lec­tion, both Gos­samer and City Lace are avail­able for dig­i­tal print­ing on a vari­ety of Wolf-Gor­don sub­strates, includ­ing PVC-free wallcovering.

Gos­samer is a dream­like pat­tern which rep­re­sents the artist’s expe­ri­ence of mov­ing from rur­al Penn­syl­va­nia to New York City. The pat­tern fea­tures images of nature with the city super­im­posed in a style evoca­tive of dou­ble-exposed photography.

City Lace fea­tures a field of Queen Anne’s Lace and abstract­ed urban images that cre­ate a col­or­ful mashup of the nat­ur­al world and the built environment.

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