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Lookbook: Upholstery in Action


Collaborative Elements

VEER by Aliki van der Kruijs as featured in Guerrilla RF Greensboro, NC | STITCH Design Shop | Photo: Courtesy of Chris Cooper

Design Collaborations

QUIET RIOT by Dorothy Cosonas

Partnering with Innovators

CHROMALIS by Bradley L Bowers

Expanded Space

Bento Asian Kitchen Jacksonville, FL | gdpdesignbuild | Photo: Courtesy of gdpdesignbuild

Cleanable Upholstery

California English at Biovista San Diego, California | PGAL | Photos: Haley Hill

Partner Designers

Turn, from the Veer col­lec­tion by Ali­ki van der Krui­js, is an exer­cise in rig­or­ous, thought­ful design. The pat­tern draws on van der Kruijs’s expe­ri­ence mak­ing pot­tery in Ari­ta, Japan, cre­at­ing a pat­tern that clev­er­ly manip­u­lates line, per­spec­tive, and den­si­ty. The design­ers of Guer­ril­la RF in Greens­boro, NC paired it with Roy, a bold and dynam­ic mate­lassé fab­ric designed by WG Design Stu­dio for use on mod­u­lar furniture.

Wolf-Gor­don col­lab­o­rates reg­u­lar­ly with Dorothy Cosonas, design­er of our Qui­et Riot col­lec­tion. Stripe Zone is a play­ful, self-ref­er­en­tial pat­tern: a woven uphol­stery dig­i­tal­ly print­ed with a pat­tern that evokes the tex­ture of weav­ing. The col­lec­tion is head­lined by Mis­chief, an ener­getic pat­tern of mul­ti-tex­tur­al forms evok­ing an off-beat spin on a camo print.

WG’s part­ner design­ers allow us to explore new ter­ri­to­ry, as in Bradley L Bow­er­s’s Chro­ma­lis, which uti­lizes the wide range of col­ors avail­able in dig­i­tal print­ing. Phan­tom blends the clas­sic with the cut­ting edge— to cre­ate it, Bow­ers pro­grammed algo­rithms that gen­er­at­ed inter­sect­ing linework, cre­at­ing moiré effects. The bright, con­trast­ing col­ors of Graf­fi­to recall the inten­si­ty and dynamism of street art. 

Stripe Zone colors

Aesthetics and Performance

Inspired by the work of painter Bridget Riley, this pattern of large polka dots with internal striping can add a cheerful Op Art kick to any space—indoors or outdoors. A Sunbrella® Contract woven fabric, Riley’s antimicrobial, mildew resistant, and water repellent properties make it an excellent upholstery option for high-traffic spaces —just like at pool-themed Bento Asian Kitchen in Jacksonville, Florida.

Normandy and Stable emphasize performance without sacrificing aesthetics. Stable is a dependable coated upholstery in a leather look, ideal for high-traffic areas. Normandy is a soft chenille woven upholstery that meets the demands of busy commercial interiors. California English at Biovista utilized these textiles to bring stain-and spill-resistant color and texture into their indoor/outdoor campus dining space.