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Wolf-Gordon’s New Collection Defies Conventions with Its Tactility and Luxury

May 16, 2018

Irreg­u­lar shapes shad­ed in a shiny ombré gra­di­ent emerge from a sol­id-ground­like ter­raz­zo stud­ded with pre­cious stones. The rigid­i­ty of a rec­ti­lin­ear grid is dis­rupt­ed by the sin­u­ous wind­ing of a rogue line in metal­lic fiber. An intri­cate veil-like form par­tial­ly obscures a field of pin­point dots, sug­gest­ing shift­ing lay­ers of over­lap­ping pat­tern. These com­plex com­po­si­tions aren’t com­put­er graph­ics or dig­i­tal art­works; they’re an expres­sive new col­lec­tion of uphol­stery tex­tiles by Dutch design­er Mae Engel­geer. With Mass, Points, and Merge, the three new releas­es of the Mat­ter col­lec­tion for Amer­i­can design com­pa­ny Wolf-Gor­don, Engel­geer defies con­tract-mar­ket con­ven­tion not just with her nov­el designs but with con­trast­ing mate­ri­als and tex­tures that betray a fas­ci­na­tion — sel­dom seen in com­mer­cial fab­rics — with tac­til­i­ty, dimen­sion­al­i­ty, and luxury.

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