
Stronghold Wall Luxor RET

RAMPART Stronghold

August 2, 2021

For projects that require RAM­PART wall pro­tec­tion to be installed on a sub­strate oth­er than new dry­wall, RAM­PART Strong­hold is the solu­tion. This easy to install wall lin­er pro­vides a smooth, durable sur­face that can be applied over ceram­ic tiles, con­crete blocks, lam­i­nates, ply­wood pan­el­ing, and oth­er sur­faces to hides cracks, joints, pores, patch­es, and oth­er sur­face irregularities. 

Once a water­based adhe­sive is applied to RAM­PART Strong­hold Wall Lin­er, the water hard­ens the uncrys­tal­lized gyp­sum in place, form­ing a hard plas­ter veneer that bonds it to the wall. No prim­ing of the exist­ing sub­strate is nec­es­sary pri­or to apply­ing the wall lin­er, and the instal­la­tion is dust­less and non-tox­ic. Mount­ing RAM­PART wall pro­tec­tion to this strong foun­da­tion cre­ates a per­fect sce­nario for pro­tect­ing walls from impact and abrasion.

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