
News sirona planet positive award

Sirona wins Planet Positive Award

October 18, 2022

We’re hap­py to announce that our uphol­stery Sirona has won the 2022 Metrop­o­lis Plan­et Pos­i­tive award for tex­tiles. The Plan­et Pos­i­tive Awards rec­og­nizes the most cre­ative projects and prod­ucts from around the world that ben­e­fit peo­ple and plan­et, as well as firms and pro­fes­sion­als lead­ing the way to a bet­ter built envi­ron­ment. Judged by four expert juries, the win­ners rep­re­sent the high­est achieve­ments today in design that address­es cli­mate change, ecosys­tem health, human health, and equity.

Sirona with Pro­tect+ is a ground­break­ing uphol­stery con­struc­tion with an inher­ent antimi­cro­bial solu­tion built into the product’s DNA, inhibit­ing the growth of microbes in or on the tex­tile. With sil­ver and cop­per salts embed­ded, Sirona’s antimi­cro­bial prop­er­ties do not wear off, wash away or weak­en over time. Unlike top­i­cal antimi­cro­bial treat­ments, Sirona’s cop­per and sil­ver salts do not dam­age human health and the water ecosystem.

Sirona upholstery collection