
Regions Birth Center L 002 News

Wondering About Wood?

September 8, 2022

Wolf-Gor­don is your go-to resource for the largest vari­ety of real wood wall­cov­er­ings made in the USA. With more than 60 species, rang­ing from Ani­gre to Zebra­wood, you’ll find a wood veneer per­fect for your inte­ri­or project.

Our Wood Veneer wall­cov­er­ings are con­struct­ed from slices of high-grade nat­ur­al wood, reveal­ing the one-of-a-kind grain pat­tern­ing of each tree species. In addi­tion to the selec­tion shown on our web­site, there are a large num­ber of oth­er species avail­able upon request. The most com­mon­ly used match for wall­cov­er­ings is book match­ing”, where every oth­er strip is turned over like the pages of a book cre­at­ing a mir­ror-image pattern.

When design­ing LIX­IL Head­quar­ters, Gensler select­ed our Bilden­Wood Amer­i­can White Oak for the entrances and wash sta­tions sur­round­ing this com­plete­ly touch­less restroom.

If you’re look­ing for wood wall­cov­er­ing with a more pre­dictable or con­sis­tent pat­tern, our Bilden­Wood® col­lec­tion includes nine vari­eties that have plank and lin­ear pat­tern­ing. Com­posed from pre­mi­um wood species, these sheets are ide­al for large jobs where grain con­sis­ten­cy is desired.

BWBR incor­po­rat­ed our Won­der­Wood Aus­tralian Wal­nut, Qtd in com­mon areas through­out Regions Birth Cen­ter, St. Paul MN.

Our Won­der­Wood® wall­cov­er­ings are an envi­ron­men­tal­ly friend­ly alter­na­tive fab­ri­cat­ed with wood from fast grow­ing trees sourced from sus­tain­able tree farms. A unique man­u­fac­tur­ing process pro­duces veneers that sim­u­late both domes­tic and more exot­ic tree species, with a more uni­form look.

Germer WW Barn Fumed Oak_NEWS

To add a clas­sic, con­sis­tent look in remod­el­ing Ger­mer Law Fir­m’s office, IA Inte­ri­or Archi­tects spec­i­fied Won­der­Wood Barn Fumed Oak.

All of these wood wall­cov­er­ings are avail­able in 2‑foot-wide sheets in eight- or ten-foot lengths and are offered with a clear Flat (5 sheen) or Mat­te (15 sheen) fin­ish. For walls that require mul­ti­ple sheets to reach from floor to ceil­ing, end match­ing” can be spec­i­fied to cre­ate ver­ti­cal grain consistency.

A vari­ety of spe­cial­ty designs can be achieved, includ­ing Ran­dom Plank” (strips cut at a spec­i­fied width and var­ied lengths assem­bled in ran­dom fash­ion), Chevron Match” (planks cut at a 45º angle and arranged in a V” for­ma­tion), and Par­quet Match” (equal size squares cut by the installer and applied in a checker­board pattern).

Order a wood sample